Professor June Andrews

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Words about Dementia by the Water

On March 5th I’ll be in Cumbria, at the Words by the Water Festival in Keswick.  A Sunday lunchtime talk about dementia might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but already there is great interest in the event.

What is dementia? Can you do anything to prevent it? How do you know if you have got it?  And what can you do if you are diagnosed with this frightening condition?  It’s important to know that you can live as well as possible for as long as possible with good information and support. 

As it’s a book festival and festival of ideas, I’ll be talking about Dementia the One Stop Guide  In the short time since Dementia the One Stop Guide was published it has had remarkable success, having sold more than 35,000 copies.  In the early days it was in the Amazon top ten for about eight weeks, and since then it has been steadily picked up by people all over the UK, and the US and rest of the world editions are also being appreciated. Mainly what people say about it is that it is practical and focusses on what makes a difference.  It's also about how the system works, with advice about what to do next.  

There is specific advice on the website and in the book itself.

Please let all your friends in the north of England and South of Scotland know.  It’s a lovely place to visit, and there are lots of other talks on during the festival.  I look forward to seeing you there!

 If you would like more information, you can buy my book Dementia, the One Stop Guide or Care Homes: When, Why and How to Choose a Care Home. I am available for consultancy for families or organisations. And if you have any further queries or questions, or suggestions for something you’d like to see me write on, please contact me via the Contact Page

See my new course on Dementia the One Stop Guide on Policy Hub here